Early Albanian Bible Translations
in Todhri Script
Albanian Studies, Vol. 30
ISBN 978-15397033334
Centre for Albanian Studies, London 2016
162 pp.
The copybooks with Albanian bible
translation in Todhri script that the
Austrian consul, Johann Georg von
Hahn, came across during his travels
through Albania in the mid-nineteenth
century were long regarded as lost.
Their discovery in the Austrian
National Library, after a century and a
half of oblivion, could rightly be
described as a sensation for Albanian
studies. These little copybooks have
previously never been transcribed or
translated. Indeed they have probably
not been read and used since the
nineteenth century. Todhri script was
an original Albanian alphabet invented
and used in central Albania in the 18th
century. The last person to write in
Todhri script is said to have died in the
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