Gathering Clouds
The Roots of Ethnic Cleansing
in Kosovo and Macedonia
Early Twentieth-Century Documents
Albanian Studies, Vol. 4
ISBN 978-1507882085
Centre for Albanian Studies, London 2015
242 pp.
The present volume endeavours to
throw some light on the historical
dimension of ethnic cleansing in
It consists of a collection of texts,
written from 1912 to 1944, which make it
evident that ethnic cleansing in Kosovo
and Macedonia was a cornerstone of
Serbian Government policies from the
moment Serbian forces seized Kosovo
and much of Macedonia from the
Ottoman Empire in 1912-1913.
It is to be hoped that these documents
will provide insight into the historical
background behind the tragic events
that took place in Yugoslavia, and in
particular in Kosovo, at the end of the
twentieth century.
Table of Contents
Behind the Curtains of the Balkan Wars, by Leo Trotsky (October 1912)
Report on the Serbian Invasion of Kosovo and Macedonia,
by Archbishop Lazër Mjeda (January 1913)
Report to the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister, Count Leopold von Berchtold,
on the Situation in Skopje and Kosovo following the Serbian Invasion,
by Austro-Hungarian Consul Von Heimroth (February 1913)
Albania’s Golgotha: Indictment of the Exterminators of the Albanian People,
by Leo Freundlich (1913)
Official Report on Dibra, Submitted to the Great Powers (December 1913)
The Situation in Prizren,
by Austro-Hungarian Vice-Consul Kohlruss (January 1914)
Report on the Serbian Invasion of Kosovo during the First Balkan War,
by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1914)
The Situation of the Albanian Minority in Yugoslavia: Memorandum
Presented to the League of Nations,
by Gjon Bisaku, Shtjefën Kurti & Luigj Gashi (1930)
The Expulsion of the Albanians: Memorandum,
by Vaso Čubrilović (1937)
Convention Regulating the Emigration of the Turkish Population
from the Region of Southern Serbia in Yugoslavia (1938)
Draft on Albania, by Ivo Andrić (1939)
The Minority Problem in the New Yugoslavia: Memorandum,
by Vaso Čubrilović (1944)
Biographical Notes on the Major Contributors
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